The Shining Scroll periodical (est. 1992) features information about the life and work of Canadian author, L. M. Montgomery (1874-1942). It includes new research, recent publications, and events related to the author, Anne of Green Gables (and her many other books and writing), and locations. The Shining Scroll is published by Mary Beth Cavert, co-editor and publisher, and Carolyn Strom Collins, co-editor and founder of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society, at least once a year. It takes its name from a poem Montgomery loved called The Fringed Gentian.
Montgomery scholar, Dr. Elizabeth Epperly wrote: "I just opened The Shining Scroll. I could not stop reading! Wonderful articles! Marvelous research! I just loved all of the pieces and the pictures! This is where the real Montgomery research is now going on -- in the pages of your virtual journal." (Since this was written, The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies was launched; we recommend it!)
Please feel free share a link to this page and observe the copy rights of the authors and cite material appropriately. Contact the publisher - email at top - for image and content permissions and questions. Please note that several (older) issues are housed at the L.M. Montgomery Institute. For assistance in loading pages or downloading .pdf files from, contact [email protected]
A Bibliography of many Scroll articles on LM Montgomery Online: HERE.
Montgomery scholar, Dr. Elizabeth Epperly wrote: "I just opened The Shining Scroll. I could not stop reading! Wonderful articles! Marvelous research! I just loved all of the pieces and the pictures! This is where the real Montgomery research is now going on -- in the pages of your virtual journal." (Since this was written, The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies was launched; we recommend it!)
Please feel free share a link to this page and observe the copy rights of the authors and cite material appropriately. Contact the publisher - email at top - for image and content permissions and questions. Please note that several (older) issues are housed at the L.M. Montgomery Institute. For assistance in loading pages or downloading .pdf files from, contact [email protected]
A Bibliography of many Scroll articles on LM Montgomery Online: HERE.
The Shining Scroll is dedicated to Christy Woster whose long-time contributions are immeasurable and
whose friendship and generosity were boundless.
Click on the title of the issue. Use Ctrl + F to search for keywords.
The Shining Scroll is dedicated to Christy Woster whose long-time contributions are immeasurable and
whose friendship and generosity were boundless.
Click on the title of the issue. Use Ctrl + F to search for keywords.
NEW THE SHINING SCROLL 2024 Events Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of LM Montgomery's Birth on Prince Edward Island, Ontario, and Japan. A report on the 2024 Montgomery conference at UPEI including the Legacy Award Winners. Articles: “Its Enchantment Has Never Faded In My Eyes” – LM Montgomery's Birthplace," Deborah Quaile, “A World of Beauty, L.M. Montgomery at 150,” Sarah Emsley, "The Montgomery That Canada Forgot," Brenton Dickieson, "I Dwell Among Her People, Bernadeta Milewski, "Anne of Green Gables Manuscript Added to UNESCO Canada 'Memory of the World' Register," "THE L.M. Montgomery Bookshelf Project," "Tbe Literature and Libraries of L.M. Montgomery," Emily Woster, "Remembrance Bench," Kate Macdonald Butler. In Memoriam: Robert Montgomery, Elizabeth Waterston.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2023 Leaskdale LMM Day "The Mysteries of Maud", Ewen Macdonald Ewen With an E, Minute By Minute The Cavendish Literary Society, Beverley Hayden, Visit to Bala, The Blue Castle Original Manuscript, Montgomery's Norval Home, Emily of New Moon Centennial, LM Montgomery Institute 30th anniversary, Launch of Digital AGG manuscript, How Anne's Manuscript Travelled Through the Mail, Deborah Quaille.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2022 Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio celebration, LM Montgomery and Re-Vision conference, Legacy Award, Bolger Award, Epperly Award, Anne of Green Gables Digital Museum manuscript, Montgomery Bookshelf Project, Journal of LM Montgomery Studies, The Cats of the Tansy Patch, Green Gables, Leaskdale, Bedeque School, Norval Museum,
Bala Museum centennial celebration of LMM visit, What to Believe About LM Montgomery - Anne Shirley revision, Green Gables revision, Bala Revision, The Blue Castle book Huw to Identify First Editions, Comparing Anne Films with the Book, Frederica Campbell and her husband, NC McFarlane, Readathon, Mag Laird and Peg Bowen, Profession of Nursing In Time of Anne Books, Tribute to Emily Woster.
The drawing of Maud holding cat is by Lillian Xie, is a project of Confederation Centre of the Arts, the University of Prince Edward Island’s Robertson Library, and L.M. Montgomery Institute with funding from Digital Museums Canada.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2021 Rilla of Ingleside, Herman Mishkin, Lucy Maud Montgomery's Cavendish Home, Mary Ross Barker, Christine Ross Barker, Natália Dukátová, Slovakia, Jozef Simo, Frederica Campbell, L.M. Montgomery Readathon, Andrea McKenzie, Benjamin Lefebvre, Elizabeth Hillman Waterston, Eleanor MacNeill, Budge Wilson, Dr. Hilary Bracefield, New Zealand, Emily of New Moon, Joanne (Wood) Lebold, Around the Hearth, Anna Ruadh, Emily McEwan, Bernadeta Milewski, Anne z Zielonych Szczytow, Anna Bankowska, Anne's Cradle, Eri Muraoka, Cathy Hirano, Kindred Verse, Julie Sellers, Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables, Jessica Carneil, Nike Sulway, L.M. Montgomery and Gender, E. Holly Pike, Laura M. Robinson, Conversations about L.M. Montgomery, MaudCast, Maud the Pod, L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision, Digital Anne of Green Gables Manuscript, L.M. Montgomery Society of Ontario, Melanie Whitfield, Anne of the Island.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2020 George Boyd MacMillan letters, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, Elizabeth Epperly, Montgomery Postcards, Mary Beth Cavert, Donna Jane Campbell, Simon Lloyd, Philip Smith, L.M. Montgomery and Vision, Dr. Kate Scarth, Dr. Emily Woster, Dr. Lesley Clement, L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision, Virtual Tour of PEI, Carolyn Strom Collins, Bernadeta Milewski, 2020 L.M. Montgomery Institute Legacy Award, Exploring A National Treasure: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Of Green Gables Manuscript, Clara Woolner Macneill Montgomery, Lucy Ann Woolner Macneill, Alexander Marquis Macneill, Sally (Sarah) Woolner, Emily Macneill, Annie Macneill, John Campbell, Rainbow Valley, The Blue Castle, Valancy Stirling, “Pure as Pearls of Dew: Searching for the Ideal Woman in the Poetry of L.M. Montgomery," Montgomery Letters In Toronto Public Library Collection, “An Occasional Story or Bit of Verse: A Brief Analysis of L.M. Montgomery’s Stories and Poems Published during the Great War," Conversations about L.M. Montgomery, L.M. Montgomery Readathon, Anne of Green Gables Devotional, LMM’s Lower Bedeque School.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2019 Anne of Green Gables Original Manuscript, Rilla, Green Gables Heritage Place Centre, Dave Stewart, Emily Woster, Nancy Russell, Vivian Macdonald; Kate Macdonald Butler; Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado; Dr. Philip Smith, Kate Scarth, Marco Polo platter, Envisioning Green Gables, Myrtle Macneill, Ernest Webb, David MacNeill, Mary Dockendorff, Margaret MacNeill, William MacNeill, Ada MacNeill, Prince Edward Island National Park, Dalvay-by-the-Sea, Green Gables house, golf course, Montgomery Park, Jennie Macneill, Cavendish Founding Families, Montgomery statue, Grace Curtis, Nathan Scott, Linda Lowther, Birthplace of Anne of Green Gables, Macneill kitchen, Father Bolger, Lucy Maud Montgomery's Cavendish Home, Hurricane Dorian, Denise Bruce, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Journal of LM Montgomery Studies, Elizabeth Waterston, Order of Canada, Oliver MacNeill, Lover's Lane, Mabel Lee, William Henry MacNeill, Spink SD, North Rustico, Anne Woolner, Frederick W. Woolner, Sarah Kemp, Robert Foster Woolner, White Sands Hotel, the shore road, Gartmore Farm, Alec MacNeill, May MacNeill, Rainbow Valley, Anne of Green Gables movie 1919, Mary Miles Minter, Gaelic, Anna Ruadh, LM Montgomery and Vision, Lesley Clement, Reitaku University, Audrey Loiselle, Kindred Spirits, Road to L.M. Montgomery, Cordially Yours, Avonlea Traditions, Buttercups Press, The Fringed Gentian, Ella Rodman Church, Everywoman's World, Emily of New Moon trilogy, Alpine Path, Christine Ellger.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2023 Leaskdale LMM Day "The Mysteries of Maud", Ewen Macdonald Ewen With an E, Minute By Minute The Cavendish Literary Society, Beverley Hayden, Visit to Bala, The Blue Castle Original Manuscript, Montgomery's Norval Home, Emily of New Moon Centennial, LM Montgomery Institute 30th anniversary, Launch of Digital AGG manuscript, How Anne's Manuscript Travelled Through the Mail, Deborah Quaille.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2022 Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio celebration, LM Montgomery and Re-Vision conference, Legacy Award, Bolger Award, Epperly Award, Anne of Green Gables Digital Museum manuscript, Montgomery Bookshelf Project, Journal of LM Montgomery Studies, The Cats of the Tansy Patch, Green Gables, Leaskdale, Bedeque School, Norval Museum,
Bala Museum centennial celebration of LMM visit, What to Believe About LM Montgomery - Anne Shirley revision, Green Gables revision, Bala Revision, The Blue Castle book Huw to Identify First Editions, Comparing Anne Films with the Book, Frederica Campbell and her husband, NC McFarlane, Readathon, Mag Laird and Peg Bowen, Profession of Nursing In Time of Anne Books, Tribute to Emily Woster.
The drawing of Maud holding cat is by Lillian Xie, is a project of Confederation Centre of the Arts, the University of Prince Edward Island’s Robertson Library, and L.M. Montgomery Institute with funding from Digital Museums Canada.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2021 Rilla of Ingleside, Herman Mishkin, Lucy Maud Montgomery's Cavendish Home, Mary Ross Barker, Christine Ross Barker, Natália Dukátová, Slovakia, Jozef Simo, Frederica Campbell, L.M. Montgomery Readathon, Andrea McKenzie, Benjamin Lefebvre, Elizabeth Hillman Waterston, Eleanor MacNeill, Budge Wilson, Dr. Hilary Bracefield, New Zealand, Emily of New Moon, Joanne (Wood) Lebold, Around the Hearth, Anna Ruadh, Emily McEwan, Bernadeta Milewski, Anne z Zielonych Szczytow, Anna Bankowska, Anne's Cradle, Eri Muraoka, Cathy Hirano, Kindred Verse, Julie Sellers, Reflections on Our Relationships with Anne of Green Gables, Jessica Carneil, Nike Sulway, L.M. Montgomery and Gender, E. Holly Pike, Laura M. Robinson, Conversations about L.M. Montgomery, MaudCast, Maud the Pod, L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision, Digital Anne of Green Gables Manuscript, L.M. Montgomery Society of Ontario, Melanie Whitfield, Anne of the Island.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2020 George Boyd MacMillan letters, Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, Elizabeth Epperly, Montgomery Postcards, Mary Beth Cavert, Donna Jane Campbell, Simon Lloyd, Philip Smith, L.M. Montgomery and Vision, Dr. Kate Scarth, Dr. Emily Woster, Dr. Lesley Clement, L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision, Virtual Tour of PEI, Carolyn Strom Collins, Bernadeta Milewski, 2020 L.M. Montgomery Institute Legacy Award, Exploring A National Treasure: L.M. Montgomery’s Anne Of Green Gables Manuscript, Clara Woolner Macneill Montgomery, Lucy Ann Woolner Macneill, Alexander Marquis Macneill, Sally (Sarah) Woolner, Emily Macneill, Annie Macneill, John Campbell, Rainbow Valley, The Blue Castle, Valancy Stirling, “Pure as Pearls of Dew: Searching for the Ideal Woman in the Poetry of L.M. Montgomery," Montgomery Letters In Toronto Public Library Collection, “An Occasional Story or Bit of Verse: A Brief Analysis of L.M. Montgomery’s Stories and Poems Published during the Great War," Conversations about L.M. Montgomery, L.M. Montgomery Readathon, Anne of Green Gables Devotional, LMM’s Lower Bedeque School.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2019 Anne of Green Gables Original Manuscript, Rilla, Green Gables Heritage Place Centre, Dave Stewart, Emily Woster, Nancy Russell, Vivian Macdonald; Kate Macdonald Butler; Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado; Dr. Philip Smith, Kate Scarth, Marco Polo platter, Envisioning Green Gables, Myrtle Macneill, Ernest Webb, David MacNeill, Mary Dockendorff, Margaret MacNeill, William MacNeill, Ada MacNeill, Prince Edward Island National Park, Dalvay-by-the-Sea, Green Gables house, golf course, Montgomery Park, Jennie Macneill, Cavendish Founding Families, Montgomery statue, Grace Curtis, Nathan Scott, Linda Lowther, Birthplace of Anne of Green Gables, Macneill kitchen, Father Bolger, Lucy Maud Montgomery's Cavendish Home, Hurricane Dorian, Denise Bruce, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Journal of LM Montgomery Studies, Elizabeth Waterston, Order of Canada, Oliver MacNeill, Lover's Lane, Mabel Lee, William Henry MacNeill, Spink SD, North Rustico, Anne Woolner, Frederick W. Woolner, Sarah Kemp, Robert Foster Woolner, White Sands Hotel, the shore road, Gartmore Farm, Alec MacNeill, May MacNeill, Rainbow Valley, Anne of Green Gables movie 1919, Mary Miles Minter, Gaelic, Anna Ruadh, LM Montgomery and Vision, Lesley Clement, Reitaku University, Audrey Loiselle, Kindred Spirits, Road to L.M. Montgomery, Cordially Yours, Avonlea Traditions, Buttercups Press, The Fringed Gentian, Ella Rodman Church, Everywoman's World, Emily of New Moon trilogy, Alpine Path, Christine Ellger.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2018 Montgomery Christmas, Sandy Wagner, Honorable Marion Reid, Winnielee Clark Dunning, Jennie Macneill, Father Francis Bolger, Margaret MacQuarrie Dixon, Georgie Campbell Macleod, Roma Montgomery Campbell, Waldon Duggan, LM Montgomery and Reading Conference, Emily Woster, The Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute Auction Fundraiser, awards to Dr. Mary Rubio, Dr. Elizabeth Waterston, Jennie and John Macneill, Elizabeth Epperly, Bonnie Tulloch, Project Bookmark Canada, Lesley Clement, Linda Boutilier, Edward McDowell, Anne of Green Gables manuscript, Carolyn Collins, Anne's Face, Evelyn Nesbit, LM Montgomery's scrapbooks, Mary Beth Cavert, Irene Gammel, Rudolf Eickemeyer Jr., Carol Gerson, The LM Montgomery Reader, Imagining Anne: LM Montgomery's Island Scrapbooks, Christy Woster, Simon Lloyd, Historica Canada, Order of Canada, Journal of LM Montgomery Studies, Kate Scarth, The Blue Castle, Castles in Spain, Scotland, Alhambra, Dollar Glen, Castle Campbell, LM Montgomery and Nature, Summer in the Land of Anne, A Name for Herself, A World of Songs, Ben Lefebvre, Jen Rubio, Marilla of Green Gables, House of Dreams.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2017 Anne's House of Dreams, Cape Tryon, Fragrance of Sweet-Grass, Magic Island, LM Montgomery Land Trust, Laura Pritchard Agnew, McClelland Goodchild & Stewart, FA Stokes, Collecting Montgomery signed books, Bertie McIntyre, Laura McIntyre Aylsworth, LM Montgomery and Reading Biennial Conference, Emily Woster, John Macneill, Jennie Macneill, Father FWP Bolger, Brenda Montgomery, Ruth Macdonald, David Macdonald, Jack and Linda Hutton, Bala, Luella Macdonald Veijalainen, Lucy Maud Montgomery Museum and Literary Arts Centre in Norval, Wynn Walters, Lt. Col. Samuel Sharpe, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario, Canada 150, Elizabeth Epperly, Kate Macdonald, Ted Barris, Andrea MacKenzie, Ben Lefebvre, Melanie Fishbane, Lynda Leader, Rita Bode, Elizabeth Epperly, Leslie Clement, Jen Rubio, Rosalee Peppard, Jowi Taylor, Kate Scarth, Emily the Musical, Melanie Whitfield, Kathy Wasylenky, The Wreck of the Marco Polo, David Thompson, Earle Lockerby, Fox Point Montgomery House, Malpeque, Emily of New Moon, Blanche Fernandez, Rudy Petrella, Simon Lloyd, Poetry, At Rising Tide, Meet Me at Green Gables, LM Montgomery and Nature, Nora Lefurgey Campbell, Frede Campbell, George Macmillan, Pastor Felix Lockhart, Will Pritchard, Alec May Penzie MacNeill, Instead of a Boy Orphan Girl, Pierce and Rachael Macneill, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins.
The Shining Scroll 2016 Christy Woster, LM Montgomery Literary Society Anniversary, Long Lost Short Stories, In the Home of Her Mother, I Dwell Among My People, LM Montgomery Kindred Spirits friendships, Mary Beth Cavert, book dedications, Laura Pritchard, Willy Pritchard, Ruth Macdonald, Leard House, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Leaskdale, LM Montgomery Heritage Society, Norval Ontario Manse Museum, Bala Museum, The Blue Castle, Dr. Philip Smith, LM Montgomery Institute, Prince Edward Island, LM Montgomery and Gender, Reading, Emily Woster, Kindredspaces, Clara A. Macirone, Vanessa Waltz, Maud a novel inspired by the life of LM Montgomery, Melanie Fishbane, An Annotated Bibliography of the Stories and Poems by LM Montgomery, Carolyn Strom Collins, After Many Years Twenty One Long Lost Stories by LM Montgomery, A Guide to LM Montgomery's Story and Poem Scrapbooks, A Home of Her Own, Leaskdale Manse Historic Site, LM Montgomery Complete Journals, Jen Rubio, The Watchman and Other Poems, Elizabeth Epperly, Chair in LM Montgomery Studies.
THE SHINING SCROLL 2017 Anne's House of Dreams, Cape Tryon, Fragrance of Sweet-Grass, Magic Island, LM Montgomery Land Trust, Laura Pritchard Agnew, McClelland Goodchild & Stewart, FA Stokes, Collecting Montgomery signed books, Bertie McIntyre, Laura McIntyre Aylsworth, LM Montgomery and Reading Biennial Conference, Emily Woster, John Macneill, Jennie Macneill, Father FWP Bolger, Brenda Montgomery, Ruth Macdonald, David Macdonald, Jack and Linda Hutton, Bala, Luella Macdonald Veijalainen, Lucy Maud Montgomery Museum and Literary Arts Centre in Norval, Wynn Walters, Lt. Col. Samuel Sharpe, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario, Canada 150, Elizabeth Epperly, Kate Macdonald, Ted Barris, Andrea MacKenzie, Ben Lefebvre, Melanie Fishbane, Lynda Leader, Rita Bode, Elizabeth Epperly, Leslie Clement, Jen Rubio, Rosalee Peppard, Jowi Taylor, Kate Scarth, Emily the Musical, Melanie Whitfield, Kathy Wasylenky, The Wreck of the Marco Polo, David Thompson, Earle Lockerby, Fox Point Montgomery House, Malpeque, Emily of New Moon, Blanche Fernandez, Rudy Petrella, Simon Lloyd, Poetry, At Rising Tide, Meet Me at Green Gables, LM Montgomery and Nature, Nora Lefurgey Campbell, Frede Campbell, George Macmillan, Pastor Felix Lockhart, Will Pritchard, Alec May Penzie MacNeill, Instead of a Boy Orphan Girl, Pierce and Rachael Macneill, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins.
The Shining Scroll 2016 Christy Woster, LM Montgomery Literary Society Anniversary, Long Lost Short Stories, In the Home of Her Mother, I Dwell Among My People, LM Montgomery Kindred Spirits friendships, Mary Beth Cavert, book dedications, Laura Pritchard, Willy Pritchard, Ruth Macdonald, Leard House, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Leaskdale, LM Montgomery Heritage Society, Norval Ontario Manse Museum, Bala Museum, The Blue Castle, Dr. Philip Smith, LM Montgomery Institute, Prince Edward Island, LM Montgomery and Gender, Reading, Emily Woster, Kindredspaces, Clara A. Macirone, Vanessa Waltz, Maud a novel inspired by the life of LM Montgomery, Melanie Fishbane, An Annotated Bibliography of the Stories and Poems by LM Montgomery, Carolyn Strom Collins, After Many Years Twenty One Long Lost Stories by LM Montgomery, A Guide to LM Montgomery's Story and Poem Scrapbooks, A Home of Her Own, Leaskdale Manse Historic Site, LM Montgomery Complete Journals, Jen Rubio, The Watchman and Other Poems, Elizabeth Epperly, Chair in LM Montgomery Studies.
The Shining Scroll 2015 Anne of Green Gables movies telefilm, Mary Beth Cavert, Kate Macdonald Butler, Breakthrough Entertainment, Mary Miles Minter, 1919 silent movies, Ben Lefebvre, Dawn O'Day, Dawn Paris, Anne Shirley, Megan Follows, Norman Campbell, Don Harron, Gracie Finley, Anne of Green Gables Musical, Sullivan Entertainment, Making Avonlea, Jack and Linda Hutton, Trudeau, Ella Ballentine, Christy Woster, Frances Marion, Wlliam Desmond Taylor, Realart Productions, Jack London, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Mary Pickford, Fred Thomson, Silver King, World War I, Anne of the Island, Jonathan Crombie, Friends of the L.M. Montgomery Institute, Clara Macirone, L.M. Montgomery Heritage Museum, The Story Girl, Montgomery Inn at Ingleside, Cornelius Leard House, Herman Leard, Edwin Simpson, Bideford Parsonage, Carolyn Strom Collins, Sandy Wagner, Holland Map, Earle Lockerby, Douglas Sobey, LM Montgomery Birthplace, Linda Boutilier, Father Francis Bolger, George Campbell, Terry Kamikawa, Senator Donald Montgomery, Park Corner, Lake of Shining Waters, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Melanie Whitfield, Gwen Layton, Melanie Fishbane, Vanessa Brown, L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valleys, Rita Bode, Lesley Clement, Elizabeth Waterston, Margaret Steffler, Laura Robinson, Natalie Forest, Kate Sutherland, Jennie Rubio, Readying Rilla, Rock's Mill Press, Maud in the Garden, Kate Waterston, Donna Campbell, In Orchard Glen, A Sunny Subaltern, The Worn Doorstep, The Watchman and Other Poems, Emily Woster, Caroline Jones, The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Books, The L.M Montgomery Reader, 2016 PROSE Award, L.M Montgomery and Gender, LMMI, University of Prince Edward Island.
The Shining Scroll 2014 part 1 LM Montgomery Institute, 11th biennial conference, University of Prince Edward Island, LM Montgomery and War, Benjamin Lefebvre, Andrea McKenzie, Elizabeth DeBlois, Mary Beth Cavert, If Our Women Fail In Courage, World War 1, Rilla of Ingleside, John McCrae, In Flanders Fields, Moina Michael, We Shall Keep Faith, Shall Our Men Be Fearless Still, Nora Lefurgey, Carl Montgomery, Goldwin Lapp, Maclaren Gordon, 2nd 3rd 4th Canadian division, CEF, 20th 27th 102nd 105th 116th battalion, Distinguished Conduct Medal, Vimy Ridge, Royal Flying Corps, RFC, Hundred Days Offensive, Rainbow Valley, Frede Campbell, Cameron McFarlane, PPCLI, Macdonald College, McGill University, Carolyn Strom Collins, short stories, poems, Rea Wilmshurst, Ephraim Weber, bibliography, keynote speakers, Jonathan Vance, Irene Gammel, Elizabeth Epperly, Mary Riter Hamilton, #lmmi14 papers, The Canadian Home front, This Anne Place, Confederation Centre, Jesse Inman, Maud of Leaskdale, Choir of Veteran Affairs Canada, Cavendish Home, postal stamp theft, Donor Collections, Kate Macdonald Butler, Donna Jane Campbell, Anderson Silber, Ryrie-Campbell, Lindsey MacCallum, Roberston Library, Prince Edward Island 1939, Fannie Jane Wise Mutch, RE Mutch, William MacCannell, George Campbell, John and Jennie Macneill, FWP Bolger, Mary Rubio, Park Corner, Cavendish, Birthplace, Lover's Lane, Anne Victoria Photography.
The Shining Scroll 2014 part 2 Collecting LM Montgomery Books, Christy Woster, First Editions, LC Page, eBay, Mary Miles Minter, Dawn O'Day, The Good Fairy, George Gibbs, WAJ Claus, The LM Montgomery Reader, AB Wenzell, Evelyn Nesbit, The Watchman and Other Poems, Up Came the Moon, Victoria BC used bookstores, Bernadeta Milewski, Mary Beth Cavert, 1908 and 1909 Anne of Green Gables dust jackets, Cameron Treleaven, Ruth Macdonald, Stuart Macdonald, Kate Macdonald, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Carolyn Strom Collins, World War I, Rilla of Ingleside, Sandy Wagner, Walter Blythe The Piper poem, Elizabeth Epperly, Benjamin Lefebvre, Norval, Kathy Gastle, Bev Hayden, Ida and Louis Barraclough, Uxbridge, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Melanie Fishbane, Emily Woster, Laura Robinson, Jack and Linda Hutton, Spirit of Maud Theatre Company, Anne and Gilbert, Don Harron, Anne Victoria Photography.
The Shining Scroll 2013 LM Montgomery Institute 20th anniversary, Elizabeth Epperly, Simon Lloyd , Kate Macdonald Butler, Dr. Stuart Macdonald, Donna Campbell, Mammoth Cave, Jane Ledwell, Jean Mitchell, Anne Around the World, Friends of the LMM Institute, The Golden Road, Mary Lawson, Mary Beth Cavert, book dedication, the Yankee Gale, Sandy Wagner, Cavendish Home, Macneill Homestead, theft of postal cancellation stamp, Canadian National Historic Site, post office, Lewis Benjamin Woolner, North Rustico, PEI, Dalhousie University, Clara Woolner Macneill, Ella Banks Brown, needlework, samplers, cross-stitch, LM Montgomery's favorite books, Over Prairie Trails, The Heart of the Ancient Wood, The Child's House, Alice Munro, new books about LM Montgomery, Remembering Dr. Stuart Macdonald, Emily Woster, Barb Murphy, The Anne of Green Gables Musical Turns 50, Christy Woster, Gracie Finley, Don Harron, Norman and Elaine Campbell, Charlottetown Confederation Centre, the Barraclough House, Norval, Glen Williams, Deborah Quaile.
The Shining Scroll 2012 part 1 The Chronicles of Avonlea, book dedication, Mrs. William Houston, Tillie MacKenzie, Mary Beth Cavert, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Amanda Macneill, Jennie Macneill, Donna Campbell, North Shore Lighthouse, Carolyn Strom Collins, Captain Jim, Anne's House of Dreams, Cape Turner, Orby Head, Four Winds Harbour, New London Harbour, Cape Tryon, Epperly Plaza, University of Prince Edward Island, Professor Yuko Izawa, L.M. Montgomery and Cultural Memory, Kate Douglas Wiggins, hooked rugs, Riz Rose, Sandy Wagner, quilts, Gilbert Blythe, Yoshiko Akamatsu, Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Epperly, Anne of Ingleside, Vappu Kannas, Guelph Archives, Stuart Macdonald, Elizabeth Waterston, Vanessa Brown, Montgomery note, Jennifer Litster, Scottish Highland roots in LM Montgomery books, Ben Lefebvre, Laura Robinson, Anne Shirley and adoption, Kate Sutherland, Law and Literary Reputation, LM Montgomery Seashore Land Trust, In Search of LM Montgomery in the 1970s, PEI tourism, Christy Woster, George Gibbs, Value of LM Montgomery Books, Prince Edward Island History in Montgomery's Stories,
The Shining Scroll 2012 part 2 LM Montgomery sites, china, Campbell Farm, Montgomery Heritage Museum, Birthplace, Green Gables, Bideford Parsonage, blue willow platter, Sandy Wagner, Rug Hooking, Sue Lange, LM Montgomery's Honeymoon Trousseau, Arnold Smith, LM Montgomery Honeymoon In Scotland, George Boyd Macmillan, Mary Beth Cavert, Leaskdale, Ontario, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Christy Woster, Patty's Place, Point Pleasant Park, Anne of the Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dr. FWP Bolger, Macneill kitchen, Stanley Bridge, LM Montgomery Heritage Museum for sale, Complete Journals of LM Montgomery PEI Years, Elizabeth Waterston, Anne of Green Gables 1919 silent film, Jack and Linda Hutton
The Shining Scroll 2011 December part 1 Leaskdale Manse Museum, Margaret Leask Mustard, Wilda and Harold Clark, Elsie Bushby Davidson, Monuments Board of Canada, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, National Historic Site, Carol Gaboury, Kathy Wasylenky, Nina Elliot, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario, Parks Canada, Green Gables, Ernest and Myrtle Webb, Dr. F.W.P. Bolger, Heath and Mary Ella Montgomery, John and Jennie Macneill, George and Maureen Campbell, Bideford Parsonage, Wayne and Janice Trowsdale, Kathy Gastle, Elaine Crawford, Jack and Linda Hutton, Bala Museum, Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Waterston, Betsy Epperly, Yoshiko Akamatsu, Asa and Stefan Warnqvist, Joanne Wood, Melanie Whitfield, Ted Barris, Mary Beth Cavert, Rainbow Valley, Kate Sutherland, L.C. Page, Historic Leaskdale Church, Emily and Christy Woster, The Good Fairy, Allan McGillivray, Jason Nolan, Yuka Kajihara, Emily of New Moon, Rita Bode, Ben Lefebvre, The Blythes Are Quoted, Laura M. Robinson, Natalie Forest, Mammoth Cave, Fingal's Cave, Lesley Clement, Hypatia Club, Rilla of Ingleside, Greyfriar's Bobby, Melanie Fishbane, Donna Campbell, Maud of Leaskdale, Conrad, Boyce, Jennifer Carroll, Elgin Whitfield, Ewan Macdonald, Oliver Macneill, Frederica Campbell, Goldwin Lapp, Morley Shier, Robert Brooks, RFC, 116th Battalion CEF, 20th Battalion CEF, Mary Doria Russell.
The Shining Scroll 2011 December part 2 Montgomery wedding, Kindred Spirits magazine, Anne of the Island, Halifax,, Nova Scotia, Sue Lange, Dalhousie, Ladies College, Lottie Shatford, Grace Lin, Barbara Esbensen, Anita Webb, Green Gables, Montgomery's death, Mary Beth Cavert, Anne's House of Dream collectible, Joanne Wood, poems, short stories, Montgomery bibliography, Christy Woster, Elizabeth Waterston, Order of Ontario, Yuko Izawa, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 1 Collecting and Sharing L.M. Montgomery, Mary Beth Cavert, Una of the Garden, Australian editions of LM Montgomery's works, Joanne Wood, Platypus, Bellbird, Cornstalk, Dorothy Wall, Sybil Tawse, Angus and Robertson.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 2 L.M. Montgomery Conference, Montgomery and Nature, Elizabeth Waterston, Elizabeth Epperly, Ben Lefebvre, George Campbell, Jennie Macneill, Emily Woster, Asa Warnqvist, Gabriella Ahmansson, Christy Woster, Mary Beth Cavert, To A Desired Friend, A Bad Boy's Diary, Anne clothes, Laurapalooza, Emily Woster.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 3 Four Winds Lighthouse, Anne's Houise of Dreams, Captain Jim, Cape Tryon, Carolyn Strom Collins, Melrose Cottage, Emily of New Moon house, Malpeque, The Marco Polo ship, Ruth E. Campbell, Georgie Campbell, Margaret Leask, Mary Beth Cavert, Booklet of Verse, Montgomery poetry book, Cohen Collection, Archives Canada, Carolyn Strom Collins, Montgomery bibliography.
The Shining Scroll 2009 September part 1 Reviews of Anne of Avonlea, Christy Woster, Anne of Avonlea’s Miss Stacy: Book Dedication to Harriet Gordon Smith, Mary Beth Cavert, The Bideford Parsonage, Jack Hutton, Dr. Mollie Gillen, Mary Beth Cavert, Preview of The Blythes Are Quoted, More About Edith Russell, Musings on Autumn, Christina Wyss Eriksson, Collectors' Corner New Finds of Montgomery Material.
The Shining Scroll 2009 December part 2 L.M. Montgomery and World War I: A Book Dedication to Goldwin D. Lapp, Montgomery's Other Soldiers, Mary Beth Cavert, The Untold Story of L.M. Montgomery's Japanese Kimono, Yuka Kajihara, International Anne: Happenings from Around the World, New Books, The Symbolism of Needlework and Textile Arts in the Anne Series, Pamela Hancock, Anne in Space, PEI Happenings, Carolyn Strom Collins, Simon Lloyd, Collecting LM Montgomery, Collectors' Corner, Christy Woster. Clippings and Cuttings.
The Shining Scroll 2008 October part 1 In Search of a Princess and her Prince How I Inadvertently Found Herman Leard, Emily Woster, Re-introducing Herman Leard L.M. Montgomery’s Love of My Life, Mary Beth Cavert, Clippings and Cuttings Sources of Some of the Images and Poetry in L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks, Christy Woster, L.M. Montgomery, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, and Sir Andrew Macphail, Mary Beth Cavert
The Shining Scroll 2008 December part 2 L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables and the Idea of Classic Conference, Christy Woster, International Anne, Ann Johnson, A Note About Books, Mary Beth Cavert, New Edition of The Anne of Green Gables Treasury Published, Carolyn Strom Collins, The Nine Lives of L. M. Montgomery musical debuts on PEI, From Canada to the World The Cultural Influence of L.M. Montgomery Conference, First L.M. Montgomery Conference at University of Guelph, Deborah Quaile, L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Meetings and Anne 100 Events, A Writer Forgotten The Story Of Edith Russell, Rainbow Valley and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Robert Brooks, 116th Battalion, C.E.F., The Open Fellowship of Kindred Spirits Impressions of Montgomery Scholarship, Vanessa Brown.
The Shining Scroll 2007 L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Web Site Launched, The Artists of Anne of Green Gables, Christy Woster, WAJ CLaus, MA Claus, George Gibbs, Marilla’s Amethyst Brooch Unlocking the Secrets of Antique Jewelry, Sarah Riedel, Following In Anne’s Footsteps An Anne Itinerary For Prince Edward Island, Carolyn Strom Collins, LM Montgomery Ancestors Arrive, Books, exhibits, and The Nine Lives of LM Montgomery, Lest We Forget Rainbow Valley, Mary Beth Cavert, Leaskdale soldiers, Morley Shier.
The Shining Scroll 2006 Summary of the 7th L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, Collecting L.M. Montgomery, Historic Recognition for the Macneill Homestead in Cavendish, Plagiarism or Deadly Parallel in Anne’s House of Dreams, Christy Woster.
The Shining Scroll 2005 L.M. Montgomery and the Railway King of Canada. Christy Woster, The Ronald McNair Program Supports Montgomery Research, Emily Woster, Kilmeny of the Orchard and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Bertie McIntyre, Mary Beth Cavert, The Marco Polo ship model, Anne and Gilbert musical, Carolyn Strom Collins.
The Shining Scroll 2004 6th L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, The Readings of a Writer, Emily Woster, The Woolner Jug, A Tangled Web, Carolyn Strom Collins, Who Is Isabel Anderson, Mary Beth Cavert, What Happened to Nate Lockhart, On War and Writing L. M. Montgomery’s Thoughts on World War I and Her Advice on Authoring Books, Everywoman’s World, Toronto, April 1915.
The Shining Scroll 2003 The Shifting Landscapes of LMM, Carolyn Strom Collins, Dr. Elizabeth Epperly's Address at the LMM Memorial Service, The Story Girl, Rilla of Ingleside and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Frederica Campbell, Mary Beth Cavert, A Visit to the Guelph Archives, Elsie Davidson Montgomery’s maid, the Bala Museum, LMM Heritage Museum, The 2004 Symposium L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island.
The Shining Scroll 2002 5th International conference of the LM Montgomery Institute, Mary Beth Cavert, Official Launch of the Virtual Museum, George Maureen Campbell, Elizabeth Epperly, Ruth Macdonald, Dr. Bolger, John Jennie Macneill, Montgomery Homestead, Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio, A Tangled Web, Anne of Ingleside, Carolyn Strom Collins, Picturing A Canadian Life, Janet Lunn, Irene Gammel, Christina Wyss Eriksson, Christy Woster, Penny Schreck, Anne Woolner, Lewis Woolner, Frederic Woolner, Sarah Reidel, 1919 Anne of Green Gables silent movie, Leaskdale Manse, Jim Gaboury, Carol Gaboury, Wilda Clark, Kathy David Wasylenky, Pat Millner, Elsie Davidson, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, Kelly Boehm, Janet Ecker, Kate Macdonald, Nina Elliot, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Gayle Clark, Mary Beth Cavert, Emily Climbs, Arthur John Lockhart, Pastor Felix, Henry Longfellow, Evangeline, Nate Lockhart, Winterport Maine.
The Shining Scroll 2001 Wilda Harold Clark, Uxbridge, Elsie Davidson, Leaskdale Manse, Uxbridge-Scott Museum, Zephyr, Road to Avonlea, May Beth Cavert, Sarah Reidel, Bala Museum, Jack Linda Hutton, Mary Miles Minter, Megan Follows, Riverside Drive Toronto, Norval, Crawford Bakery, Aunt Maud's Recipe Book, Luella Macdonald Veijalainen, great grandson, Jennie Macneill, Carolyn Strom Collins, Alexandra Heilbron, Elizabeth MacLeod, Montgomery short stories.
The Shining Scroll 2000 L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, Mary Beth Cavert, Stories Re-discovered, Carolyn Strom Collins, PEI Scrapbook serialization of Anne of Green Gables November 1909, Pat of Silver Bush Dedication, Alec May MacNeill, Secret Field, Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story, Emily of New Moon musical, Anne animation, Bedeque Blueberry Social, Bideford Parsonage, Anne’s Tea Party, 125th anniversary of Montgomery’s birth, Kerlan Collection, University of Minnesota.
The Shining Scroll 1999 Anniversary Memorial Donation, Jim Gaboury, Carol Gaboury, Leaskdale Manse Museum. Avonlea Village Cavendish, Carolyn Strom Collins, History of Stanley Bridge, L.M. Montgomery Ecumenical Memorial Service, Afternoon Tea at Dalvay by the Sea, LMM Land Trust, A Life Less Happy The Dilemma of Being Maud, Dr. Kevin McCabe, The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, Ingleside Impressions.
The Shining Scroll 1998 In Memoriam: Carol Gaboury, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins, Tribute to Wilda Clark, Bala Museum, Message in a Bottle The Literature of Small Islands, Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, Thinks Modern Flapper Will Be Strict Mother, Montgomery essay, The Woolners, North Rustico, Anne Day Camp, Anne is not just for Girls.
The Shining Scroll 1997 The Manse is Declared a Canadian Historical Site, Mary Beth Cavert, Fire at Green Gables, Carolyn Strom Collins, News from PEI, Bala Celebration, Mollie Gillen, Norval Dedication of Garden, Emily of New Moon Being Filmed, Finding LMM’s Blueberry Hill, Gog Magog Project, The Anne of Green Gables Christmas Treasury.
The Shining Scroll 1996 L.M. Montgomery International Conference, Virginia Mold, Literary Societies, Carolyn Strom Collins, A Japanese Wedding At Silver Bush, In Memory of Rea Wilmshurst, Mary Beth Cavert, To The Friends of Anne, Fred Wright, Montgomery’s scrapbooks.
The Shining Scroll 1995 Visit Maud Land, Prince Edward Island, Jaimie Lavanger, Ontario Travels, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins, Kindred Spirit Reading List, Betty Heath, Anne is Not Just for Girls, Lance Erickson Ghulum, Preview of 1996 Symposium, The Bala Museum, The Blue Castle, Muskoka Dream.
The Shining Scroll 2014 part 2 Collecting LM Montgomery Books, Christy Woster, First Editions, LC Page, eBay, Mary Miles Minter, Dawn O'Day, The Good Fairy, George Gibbs, WAJ Claus, The LM Montgomery Reader, AB Wenzell, Evelyn Nesbit, The Watchman and Other Poems, Up Came the Moon, Victoria BC used bookstores, Bernadeta Milewski, Mary Beth Cavert, 1908 and 1909 Anne of Green Gables dust jackets, Cameron Treleaven, Ruth Macdonald, Stuart Macdonald, Kate Macdonald, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Carolyn Strom Collins, World War I, Rilla of Ingleside, Sandy Wagner, Walter Blythe The Piper poem, Elizabeth Epperly, Benjamin Lefebvre, Norval, Kathy Gastle, Bev Hayden, Ida and Louis Barraclough, Uxbridge, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Melanie Fishbane, Emily Woster, Laura Robinson, Jack and Linda Hutton, Spirit of Maud Theatre Company, Anne and Gilbert, Don Harron, Anne Victoria Photography.
The Shining Scroll 2013 LM Montgomery Institute 20th anniversary, Elizabeth Epperly, Simon Lloyd , Kate Macdonald Butler, Dr. Stuart Macdonald, Donna Campbell, Mammoth Cave, Jane Ledwell, Jean Mitchell, Anne Around the World, Friends of the LMM Institute, The Golden Road, Mary Lawson, Mary Beth Cavert, book dedication, the Yankee Gale, Sandy Wagner, Cavendish Home, Macneill Homestead, theft of postal cancellation stamp, Canadian National Historic Site, post office, Lewis Benjamin Woolner, North Rustico, PEI, Dalhousie University, Clara Woolner Macneill, Ella Banks Brown, needlework, samplers, cross-stitch, LM Montgomery's favorite books, Over Prairie Trails, The Heart of the Ancient Wood, The Child's House, Alice Munro, new books about LM Montgomery, Remembering Dr. Stuart Macdonald, Emily Woster, Barb Murphy, The Anne of Green Gables Musical Turns 50, Christy Woster, Gracie Finley, Don Harron, Norman and Elaine Campbell, Charlottetown Confederation Centre, the Barraclough House, Norval, Glen Williams, Deborah Quaile.
The Shining Scroll 2012 part 1 The Chronicles of Avonlea, book dedication, Mrs. William Houston, Tillie MacKenzie, Mary Beth Cavert, Friends of the LM Montgomery Institute, Amanda Macneill, Jennie Macneill, Donna Campbell, North Shore Lighthouse, Carolyn Strom Collins, Captain Jim, Anne's House of Dreams, Cape Turner, Orby Head, Four Winds Harbour, New London Harbour, Cape Tryon, Epperly Plaza, University of Prince Edward Island, Professor Yuko Izawa, L.M. Montgomery and Cultural Memory, Kate Douglas Wiggins, hooked rugs, Riz Rose, Sandy Wagner, quilts, Gilbert Blythe, Yoshiko Akamatsu, Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Epperly, Anne of Ingleside, Vappu Kannas, Guelph Archives, Stuart Macdonald, Elizabeth Waterston, Vanessa Brown, Montgomery note, Jennifer Litster, Scottish Highland roots in LM Montgomery books, Ben Lefebvre, Laura Robinson, Anne Shirley and adoption, Kate Sutherland, Law and Literary Reputation, LM Montgomery Seashore Land Trust, In Search of LM Montgomery in the 1970s, PEI tourism, Christy Woster, George Gibbs, Value of LM Montgomery Books, Prince Edward Island History in Montgomery's Stories,
The Shining Scroll 2012 part 2 LM Montgomery sites, china, Campbell Farm, Montgomery Heritage Museum, Birthplace, Green Gables, Bideford Parsonage, blue willow platter, Sandy Wagner, Rug Hooking, Sue Lange, LM Montgomery's Honeymoon Trousseau, Arnold Smith, LM Montgomery Honeymoon In Scotland, George Boyd Macmillan, Mary Beth Cavert, Leaskdale, Ontario, LM Montgomery Society of Ontario, Christy Woster, Patty's Place, Point Pleasant Park, Anne of the Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dr. FWP Bolger, Macneill kitchen, Stanley Bridge, LM Montgomery Heritage Museum for sale, Complete Journals of LM Montgomery PEI Years, Elizabeth Waterston, Anne of Green Gables 1919 silent film, Jack and Linda Hutton
The Shining Scroll 2011 December part 1 Leaskdale Manse Museum, Margaret Leask Mustard, Wilda and Harold Clark, Elsie Bushby Davidson, Monuments Board of Canada, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, National Historic Site, Carol Gaboury, Kathy Wasylenky, Nina Elliot, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario, Parks Canada, Green Gables, Ernest and Myrtle Webb, Dr. F.W.P. Bolger, Heath and Mary Ella Montgomery, John and Jennie Macneill, George and Maureen Campbell, Bideford Parsonage, Wayne and Janice Trowsdale, Kathy Gastle, Elaine Crawford, Jack and Linda Hutton, Bala Museum, Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Waterston, Betsy Epperly, Yoshiko Akamatsu, Asa and Stefan Warnqvist, Joanne Wood, Melanie Whitfield, Ted Barris, Mary Beth Cavert, Rainbow Valley, Kate Sutherland, L.C. Page, Historic Leaskdale Church, Emily and Christy Woster, The Good Fairy, Allan McGillivray, Jason Nolan, Yuka Kajihara, Emily of New Moon, Rita Bode, Ben Lefebvre, The Blythes Are Quoted, Laura M. Robinson, Natalie Forest, Mammoth Cave, Fingal's Cave, Lesley Clement, Hypatia Club, Rilla of Ingleside, Greyfriar's Bobby, Melanie Fishbane, Donna Campbell, Maud of Leaskdale, Conrad, Boyce, Jennifer Carroll, Elgin Whitfield, Ewan Macdonald, Oliver Macneill, Frederica Campbell, Goldwin Lapp, Morley Shier, Robert Brooks, RFC, 116th Battalion CEF, 20th Battalion CEF, Mary Doria Russell.
The Shining Scroll 2011 December part 2 Montgomery wedding, Kindred Spirits magazine, Anne of the Island, Halifax,, Nova Scotia, Sue Lange, Dalhousie, Ladies College, Lottie Shatford, Grace Lin, Barbara Esbensen, Anita Webb, Green Gables, Montgomery's death, Mary Beth Cavert, Anne's House of Dream collectible, Joanne Wood, poems, short stories, Montgomery bibliography, Christy Woster, Elizabeth Waterston, Order of Ontario, Yuko Izawa, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 1 Collecting and Sharing L.M. Montgomery, Mary Beth Cavert, Una of the Garden, Australian editions of LM Montgomery's works, Joanne Wood, Platypus, Bellbird, Cornstalk, Dorothy Wall, Sybil Tawse, Angus and Robertson.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 2 L.M. Montgomery Conference, Montgomery and Nature, Elizabeth Waterston, Elizabeth Epperly, Ben Lefebvre, George Campbell, Jennie Macneill, Emily Woster, Asa Warnqvist, Gabriella Ahmansson, Christy Woster, Mary Beth Cavert, To A Desired Friend, A Bad Boy's Diary, Anne clothes, Laurapalooza, Emily Woster.
The Shining Scroll 2010 December part 3 Four Winds Lighthouse, Anne's Houise of Dreams, Captain Jim, Cape Tryon, Carolyn Strom Collins, Melrose Cottage, Emily of New Moon house, Malpeque, The Marco Polo ship, Ruth E. Campbell, Georgie Campbell, Margaret Leask, Mary Beth Cavert, Booklet of Verse, Montgomery poetry book, Cohen Collection, Archives Canada, Carolyn Strom Collins, Montgomery bibliography.
The Shining Scroll 2009 September part 1 Reviews of Anne of Avonlea, Christy Woster, Anne of Avonlea’s Miss Stacy: Book Dedication to Harriet Gordon Smith, Mary Beth Cavert, The Bideford Parsonage, Jack Hutton, Dr. Mollie Gillen, Mary Beth Cavert, Preview of The Blythes Are Quoted, More About Edith Russell, Musings on Autumn, Christina Wyss Eriksson, Collectors' Corner New Finds of Montgomery Material.
The Shining Scroll 2009 December part 2 L.M. Montgomery and World War I: A Book Dedication to Goldwin D. Lapp, Montgomery's Other Soldiers, Mary Beth Cavert, The Untold Story of L.M. Montgomery's Japanese Kimono, Yuka Kajihara, International Anne: Happenings from Around the World, New Books, The Symbolism of Needlework and Textile Arts in the Anne Series, Pamela Hancock, Anne in Space, PEI Happenings, Carolyn Strom Collins, Simon Lloyd, Collecting LM Montgomery, Collectors' Corner, Christy Woster. Clippings and Cuttings.
The Shining Scroll 2008 October part 1 In Search of a Princess and her Prince How I Inadvertently Found Herman Leard, Emily Woster, Re-introducing Herman Leard L.M. Montgomery’s Love of My Life, Mary Beth Cavert, Clippings and Cuttings Sources of Some of the Images and Poetry in L.M. Montgomery’s Island Scrapbooks, Christy Woster, L.M. Montgomery, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, and Sir Andrew Macphail, Mary Beth Cavert
The Shining Scroll 2008 December part 2 L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables and the Idea of Classic Conference, Christy Woster, International Anne, Ann Johnson, A Note About Books, Mary Beth Cavert, New Edition of The Anne of Green Gables Treasury Published, Carolyn Strom Collins, The Nine Lives of L. M. Montgomery musical debuts on PEI, From Canada to the World The Cultural Influence of L.M. Montgomery Conference, First L.M. Montgomery Conference at University of Guelph, Deborah Quaile, L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Meetings and Anne 100 Events, A Writer Forgotten The Story Of Edith Russell, Rainbow Valley and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Robert Brooks, 116th Battalion, C.E.F., The Open Fellowship of Kindred Spirits Impressions of Montgomery Scholarship, Vanessa Brown.
The Shining Scroll 2007 L.M. Montgomery Literary Society Web Site Launched, The Artists of Anne of Green Gables, Christy Woster, WAJ CLaus, MA Claus, George Gibbs, Marilla’s Amethyst Brooch Unlocking the Secrets of Antique Jewelry, Sarah Riedel, Following In Anne’s Footsteps An Anne Itinerary For Prince Edward Island, Carolyn Strom Collins, LM Montgomery Ancestors Arrive, Books, exhibits, and The Nine Lives of LM Montgomery, Lest We Forget Rainbow Valley, Mary Beth Cavert, Leaskdale soldiers, Morley Shier.
The Shining Scroll 2006 Summary of the 7th L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, Collecting L.M. Montgomery, Historic Recognition for the Macneill Homestead in Cavendish, Plagiarism or Deadly Parallel in Anne’s House of Dreams, Christy Woster.
The Shining Scroll 2005 L.M. Montgomery and the Railway King of Canada. Christy Woster, The Ronald McNair Program Supports Montgomery Research, Emily Woster, Kilmeny of the Orchard and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Bertie McIntyre, Mary Beth Cavert, The Marco Polo ship model, Anne and Gilbert musical, Carolyn Strom Collins.
The Shining Scroll 2004 6th L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, The Readings of a Writer, Emily Woster, The Woolner Jug, A Tangled Web, Carolyn Strom Collins, Who Is Isabel Anderson, Mary Beth Cavert, What Happened to Nate Lockhart, On War and Writing L. M. Montgomery’s Thoughts on World War I and Her Advice on Authoring Books, Everywoman’s World, Toronto, April 1915.
The Shining Scroll 2003 The Shifting Landscapes of LMM, Carolyn Strom Collins, Dr. Elizabeth Epperly's Address at the LMM Memorial Service, The Story Girl, Rilla of Ingleside and L.M. Montgomery’s Book Dedications, Frederica Campbell, Mary Beth Cavert, A Visit to the Guelph Archives, Elsie Davidson Montgomery’s maid, the Bala Museum, LMM Heritage Museum, The 2004 Symposium L.M. Montgomery Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island.
The Shining Scroll 2002 5th International conference of the LM Montgomery Institute, Mary Beth Cavert, Official Launch of the Virtual Museum, George Maureen Campbell, Elizabeth Epperly, Ruth Macdonald, Dr. Bolger, John Jennie Macneill, Montgomery Homestead, Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio, A Tangled Web, Anne of Ingleside, Carolyn Strom Collins, Picturing A Canadian Life, Janet Lunn, Irene Gammel, Christina Wyss Eriksson, Christy Woster, Penny Schreck, Anne Woolner, Lewis Woolner, Frederic Woolner, Sarah Reidel, 1919 Anne of Green Gables silent movie, Leaskdale Manse, Jim Gaboury, Carol Gaboury, Wilda Clark, Kathy David Wasylenky, Pat Millner, Elsie Davidson, Gerri Lynn O'Connor, Kelly Boehm, Janet Ecker, Kate Macdonald, Nina Elliot, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Gayle Clark, Mary Beth Cavert, Emily Climbs, Arthur John Lockhart, Pastor Felix, Henry Longfellow, Evangeline, Nate Lockhart, Winterport Maine.
The Shining Scroll 2001 Wilda Harold Clark, Uxbridge, Elsie Davidson, Leaskdale Manse, Uxbridge-Scott Museum, Zephyr, Road to Avonlea, May Beth Cavert, Sarah Reidel, Bala Museum, Jack Linda Hutton, Mary Miles Minter, Megan Follows, Riverside Drive Toronto, Norval, Crawford Bakery, Aunt Maud's Recipe Book, Luella Macdonald Veijalainen, great grandson, Jennie Macneill, Carolyn Strom Collins, Alexandra Heilbron, Elizabeth MacLeod, Montgomery short stories.
The Shining Scroll 2000 L.M. Montgomery and Popular Culture, Mary Beth Cavert, Stories Re-discovered, Carolyn Strom Collins, PEI Scrapbook serialization of Anne of Green Gables November 1909, Pat of Silver Bush Dedication, Alec May MacNeill, Secret Field, Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story, Emily of New Moon musical, Anne animation, Bedeque Blueberry Social, Bideford Parsonage, Anne’s Tea Party, 125th anniversary of Montgomery’s birth, Kerlan Collection, University of Minnesota.
The Shining Scroll 1999 Anniversary Memorial Donation, Jim Gaboury, Carol Gaboury, Leaskdale Manse Museum. Avonlea Village Cavendish, Carolyn Strom Collins, History of Stanley Bridge, L.M. Montgomery Ecumenical Memorial Service, Afternoon Tea at Dalvay by the Sea, LMM Land Trust, A Life Less Happy The Dilemma of Being Maud, Dr. Kevin McCabe, The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album, Ingleside Impressions.
The Shining Scroll 1998 In Memoriam: Carol Gaboury, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins, Tribute to Wilda Clark, Bala Museum, Message in a Bottle The Literature of Small Islands, Conference at the University of Prince Edward Island, Thinks Modern Flapper Will Be Strict Mother, Montgomery essay, The Woolners, North Rustico, Anne Day Camp, Anne is not just for Girls.
The Shining Scroll 1997 The Manse is Declared a Canadian Historical Site, Mary Beth Cavert, Fire at Green Gables, Carolyn Strom Collins, News from PEI, Bala Celebration, Mollie Gillen, Norval Dedication of Garden, Emily of New Moon Being Filmed, Finding LMM’s Blueberry Hill, Gog Magog Project, The Anne of Green Gables Christmas Treasury.
The Shining Scroll 1996 L.M. Montgomery International Conference, Virginia Mold, Literary Societies, Carolyn Strom Collins, A Japanese Wedding At Silver Bush, In Memory of Rea Wilmshurst, Mary Beth Cavert, To The Friends of Anne, Fred Wright, Montgomery’s scrapbooks.
The Shining Scroll 1995 Visit Maud Land, Prince Edward Island, Jaimie Lavanger, Ontario Travels, Mary Beth Cavert, Carolyn Strom Collins, Kindred Spirit Reading List, Betty Heath, Anne is Not Just for Girls, Lance Erickson Ghulum, Preview of 1996 Symposium, The Bala Museum, The Blue Castle, Muskoka Dream.